– Barcelona 1968 –
Francesc Melcion (Barcelona, 1968) studied photography at the “Institut d ‘Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya” from 1987 to 1991. In 1991 he began working as a photojournalist for the newspaper “Avui”, until 2010. This same year, he joined the newspaper “Ara” as head of photography, until 2016. He has carried out numerous photographic projects in different parts of the world, Bolivia (1992), Varanasi (India 1997-1998) and Senegal (1999). In 2000 he began a series of reports in Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and China, to give testimony of the different cultures and societies that are structured along the Mekong River. For this work, in 2002, he won a grant from the Fotopress competition. He has also done various reports in India, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Bangladesh.
He has exhibited on different occasions, both in group and individual exhibitions.
He currently works as a staff photographer for the newspaper “Ara”.
Francesc Melcion (Barcelona, 1968) estudia fotografia a l’”Institut d´Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya” del 1987 al 1991. L’any 1991 comença a treballar com a fotoperiodista al diari “Avui”, fins a l’any 2010. Aquest mateix any, s’incorpora al diari “Ara” com a cap de fotografia, fins a l’any 2016. Ha portat a terme nombrosos projectes fotogràfics a diferents parts del món, Bolívia (1992), Varanasi (Índia 1997-1998) i el Senegal (1999). L’any 2000 va iniciar una sèrie de reportatges al sud-est asiàtic, Vietnam, Cambodja, Laos i la Xina, per donar testimoni de les diferents cultures i societats que es vertebren al llarg del riu Mekong. Per aquest treball, l’any 2002, va guanyar una beca del concurs Fotopress. També ha realitzat diversos reportatges a l’Índia, Pakistan, Tadjikistan i Bangladesh.
Ha exposat en diferents ocasions, tant en exposicions col·lectives com individuals.
Actualment treballa com a fotògraf de plantilla del diari “Ara”.